復興宇和島情報共有コーナー:ヒーローズ・ウィズイン Hero File #007: 癒しボランティアチームUWJ & 牛鬼会議について

復興宇和島情報共有コーナー:ヒーローズ・ウィズイン Hero File #007: 癒しボランティアチームUWJ & 牛鬼会議について





このコーナーはNPOえひめリソースセンターが、赤い羽根「災害ボランティア・NPO活動サポート募金」を活用してお送りしてます。CSTOYS Toku Waveでは、彼らの災害支援活動に賛同し協力しています。
●Featured Corner: Heroes Within Hero File #007

This radio segment is brought you by NPO Ehime Resource Center and the Disaster Volunteer & NPO Activity Support Donation Program by the Central Community Chest of Japan to support victims of the Western Japan Heavy Rain Disaster in Uwajima City and provide them the latest information for their disaster relieve activities.

* This Week’s Studio Guests: Ms. Yuko Yoshikawa
* Members of Healing Volunteer Team UWJ (Uwajima)
* Member of Ushioni Council
* URL: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2217870138450071/
* This week’s “Heroes Within” will have Ms. Yuko Yoshikawa, a florist from Uwajima as our guest. After the heavy rain disaster last summer in 2018, she joined a volunteer group called “Healing Volunteer Team UWJ”. This group provides free massages and bodywork for victims of the disaster. Ms. Yoshikawa has also became a core member of the “Ushioni Council”, where many local NPO and city representatives voluntarily gather, discuss, plan, and act based on what they believe to be the best to help those that suffered from the disaster recover. Today, we will ask Ms. Yoshikawa what motivated her to start working at these NPO groups, their functions, and how she balances her work as a florist with her impressive volunteer work.
