「ヒーローズ・ウィズイン(内なる英雄たち)」、今回のヒーローは、本日が開所初日となる中間支援組織「宇和島NPOセンター Carriage (キャリッジ)」のコアメンバーとして立ち上げに関わってこられた薬師神理子さんです。
* スタジオゲスト:中間支援組織「宇和島NPOセンター Carriage (キャリッジ)」コアメンバー
* 宇和島NPOセンター FaceBook URL: http://bit.ly/2KPu7ds
* スタジオゲスト:薬師神理子さん
このコーナーはNPOえひめリソースセンターが、赤い羽根「災害ボランティア・NPO活動サポート募金」を活用してお送りしてます。CSTOYS Toku Waveでは、彼らの災害支援活動に賛同し協力しています。
●Featured Corner: Heroes Within Hero File #008
This radio segment is brought you by NPO Ehime Resource Center and the Disaster Volunteer & NPO Activity Support Donation Program by the Central Community Chest of Japan to support victims of the Western Japan Heavy Rain Disaster in Uwajima City and provide them the latest information for their disaster relieve activities.
* This Week’s Studio Guests: Ms. Michiko Yakushijin
* Core Members of the Uwajima NPO Center Carriage
* Member of Ushioni Council
* FaceBook URL: http://bit.ly/2KPu7ds
* This week’s our local hero is Ms. Michiko Yakushijin. One of the establishing core members at the Uwajima NPO Center Carriage. Today was set to be the grand opening of the organization with its first office in the town of Yoshida. However, due to another flux of heavy rain in the western Japan region right now, the opening ceremony was postponed.
* And the goals of this NPO are: 1.) Aiming to reconstruct a better Uwajima City by collaborating with the local government, the Social Welfare Council, and a number of NPOs after the Western Japan Heavy Rain Disaster in July 2018.2.) Aiming to serve the people of Uwajima City and connect them with those collaborators and other related companies in a more smooth and quick manner to provide more comprehensive support.3.) Aiming to create a face-to-face network, not only in times of peace, but more importantly, when disaster strikes.4.) Aiming to revitalize the region by continuing our activities with disaster prevention efforts and enhancing community relations.