復興宇和島情報共有コーナー:ヒーローズ・ウィズイン Hero File #010: 「トーク・悩めるヒーローたち 」

復興宇和島情報共有コーナー:ヒーローズ・ウィズイン Hero File #010: 「トーク・悩めるヒーローたち 」




スタジオゲスト:Collector Shuki




Angsty Heroes(悩める英雄たち)

We have interviewed a total of eight acting NPO representatives involved in the recovery efforts in Uwajima City. Since then, we have started to see the challenges that these heroes face even a year after the disaster. Today we will talk about their challenges.

With the crisis at hand, heroes appeared not only from the disaster-effected areas like Uwajima City, but all over Japan, and even overseas.

Unfortunately, with the disasters occurring a year ago, many NPO from outside of Ehime Prefecture have withdrawn from the area, moving to other, more recent disaster-struck areas that need immediate help. Thus, it is up to the city and its people to support themselves with what they learned from these heroes.

Before we began our Heroes Within segment, there was an approaching possibility of flooding, as another rainy season was approaching. The city warned everyone to prepare for it, and all active local  NPOs were acting promptly to be ready for another possible heavy rain disaster.

The rainy season has gone, and luckily there was no major damage or disasters this time. The impending crisis thankfully never happened.

Unfortunately, while crisis was averted, new problems have arose. The organization composed over several key NPO groups in Uwajima whom once worked together to support the city and its people when the disaster relief was an immediate goal with the support of skilled disaster relief NPOs from other prefectures, are now experiencing conflicts amongst themselves due to differing approaches and opinions after previous NPO leaders left the area.

As a tokusatsu fan, we have seen similar issues like this in series such as Kamen Rider Build, Lupinranger vs. Patranger, and Ryusoulger. It may be beneficial to look at these series and learn from their stories and bring solutions to our problems here in reality.

Please send us examples you remember from the various tokusatsu worlds and share it with us!


このコーナーはNPOえひめリソースセンターが、赤い羽根「災害ボランティア・NPO活動サポート募金」を活用してお送りしてます。CSTOYS Toku Waveでは、彼らの災害支援活動に賛同し協力しています。
This radio segment is brought you by NPO Ehime Resource Center and the Disaster Volunteer & NPO Activity Support Donation Program by the Central Community Chest of Japan to support victims of the Western Japan Heavy Rain Disaster in Uwajima City and provide them the latest information for their disaster relieve activities.

CSTOYS Toku Wave Weekly Live FM Radio Segment: Heroes Within

After suffering immense damage from the heavy rainfall in western Japan during the summer of 2018, the city of Uwajima is on its way to recovery. “Heroes Within” is our radio segment that introduces the ordinary people of Uwajima that have transformed into our heroes that help the city and its people recover, grow, and rebuild.  The corner will share the latest information regarding disaster response, disaster prevention, disaster education, and industry promotion by non-profit organizations (NPOs) and city officials in the community. At the end of the segment, we will showcase the hero within by sharing with you their favorite tokusatsu or anime songs.
There’s a little hero in all of us.

* 西日本豪雨災害:コミュニティFMが地域で活躍するヒーロー達を紹介/ Western Japan Heavy Rain Disaster: Community FM Radio Introduce Local Heroes in Uwajima Area
* http://bit.ly/2KOxMrI
* FMがいや76.9MHz CSトイズ・トクウェーブ: 宇和島市から特撮テーマと特撮リクエストでお送りする生放送番組。Youtubeライブ同時放送で海外の特撮ファンたちが集うの55分間。最新の特撮玩具をラジオで紹介中!
* https://www.facebook.com/tokuwave/
