[西日本豪雨被害] 愛媛新聞に弊社の取組みが紹介されました。

[西日本豪雨被害] 愛媛新聞に弊社の取組みが紹介されました。

Cstoys Toku Wave: Heroes Within Program Segment Featured in Ehime Newspaper 20190528


  • 【FMがいや番組】CSTOYS Toku Wave
  • 【番組コーナー】「Heroes Within(ヒーローズ・ウィズイン:内なる英雄たち)」
  • 【内 容】
    • 毎週15分間の番組内コーナー
    • NPO、行政、支援団体の活動状況を日本語と英語にて紹介
    • 関係者をヒーロー&ヒロインに見立て電話インタビュー、復興に求められている災害対応・防災教育・産業振興の最新情報を紹介していただき、活動の目標と夢を語っていただく。
    • コーナー最後にゲスト参加者の思い出の特撮・アニメ主題歌を紹介。
    • 紹介された情報は番組ブログ内を毎週掲載。



Thanks to everyone participated in our new radio segment called "Heroes Within" started this May. The Ehime Newspaper Company covered the new corner in their newspaper today, and we are very proud of this collaborated work together with you and our local heroes.
What is "Heroes Within"?
After suffering immense damage from the heavy rainfall in western Japan during the summer of 2018, the city of Uwajima is on its way to recovery. “Heroes Within” is our radio segment that introduces the ordinary people of Uwajima that have transformed into our heroes that help the city and its people recover, grow, and rebuild. The corner will share the latest information regarding disaster response, disaster prevention, disaster education, and industry promotion by non-profit organizations (NPOs) and city officials in the community. At the end of the segment, we will showcase the hero within by sharing with you their favorite tokusatsu or anime songs.
There’s a little hero in all of us.
CSTOYS International
This radio segment is brought you by NPO Ehime Resource Center and the Disaster Volunteer & NPO Activity Support Donation Program by the Central Community Chest of Japan to support victims of the Western Japan Heavy Rain Disaster in Uwajima City and provide them the latest information for their disaster relieve activities.